Regent Center for Entrepreneurship Starting Faithventure
The Regent Center for Entrepreneurship has announced the development of a domestic Kingdom business initiative in Ohio on its blog. I'm excited about this business with faithventure aims of employing and training individuals rebuilding lives from addiction and homelessness:
Tom Stansbury, RCE Entrepreneur-in-Residence, is spearheading a Kingdom business initiative in a joint venture with Nelson's Food Service Corporation and a residential men's ministry called The Refuge - working with men struggling with alcohol, drug and homeless issues that create barriers to employment.Read the Whole Article
RCE is making this project our primary domestic initiative, with Tom assisting with capital acquisition, business model development and implementation, and on the ground entrepreneurial support building the Nelson's brand with men from The Refuge in markets throughout Ohio. Men who were once on the street struggling with addictions, homeless, and cast-off, are being transformed into responsible men of God who find healing and are mentored and discipled in a Kingdom business; they will be trained to ultimately operate Nelson's Catering locations much like the Chick-Fil-A model.