
Imagine trying to support your family while facing a job market that refuses to provide you an opportunity to work. Perhaps it's a felony conviction or it's the lack of a place to live. Or maybe, it's the struggle to overcome an addiction. For many, it's merely living in a third-world country where prevailing poverty creates a lack of job opportunities and the average daily wage is less that a dollar a day. These are factors that lead to nearly unbreakable cycles of poverty with tragic consequences for individuals, families and communities. In the face of these challenges, I believe that there is a unique role that specially- gifted Christian entrepreneurs can play in addressing these problems in the name of Christ. And in the process they can share the love of Chirst. It's a big challenge but it's a task large enough to capture the hearts and engage the talents of a significant subset of Christian businesspersons. These are individuals that may feel they lack a place to use their talents on behalf of the kingdom.

I hope you will join me in this conversation as we explore how to start, resource and support this unique entity....the faithventure. We will also examine spiritual questions related to this task and share program stories of individual changed lives. We will define the nature of a faithventure by looking at already existing enterprises. We will ask what are the specific qualities of particular programs that make them successful. Also, stay tuned for future ways to become involved in the conversation as this blog evolves into a real community with opportunities to network and contribute to the success of this movement..

So dive on in and join us in this exciting adventure. I’m glad you're here.


ReidWork said…
James Reiner,
My name is Fredrick Reid. While doing some research on the issue "Hiring ex-felons" I came across your post. I immediately thought since we're working towards the same goal we should network together. I've recently started a petition on the matter in hopes of receiving enough support to have the problem addressed. I, being an ex- felon myself, feel that this issue is larger then it appears to be broad casted. I believe it's due to the lack of options that the people who suffer from this have, thus the lack of care and attention raised concerning the issue. If you would, contact me at or on facebook as Fredrick Reid. Lets collaborate. Maybe we could even design some types of options that we can present after we accumulate the needed support. Talk to you soon.

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