Truck Love
Houston we have a problem. Belay Enterprises was in the midst of its biggest expansion of new faith ventures in several years to employ people rebuilding lives from addiction, homelessness and prison. Suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, Bud's Warehouse lost both of it's trucks to major mechanical failures. And then to top it off, our forklift went down. Everyday Bud’s Warehouse relied on these trucks to pick up new and used doors, windows, cabinets and more from local homeowners and businesses. Quite simply, we found ourselves dead in the water without our much relied on vehicles. Over the last month, our valued ministry partner Providence Network graciously allowed us to use their box truck to continue to make pickups. And thanks to the generosity of the community, we are happy to introduce everyone to our new donation pickup truck, complete with red stakes. Over the course of 6 weeks, we were able to raise 91% of the funds we needed...