
Showing posts from December, 2013

David McCullough on the Value of Hard Work

“When the founders wrote about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, they didn’t mean longer vacations and more comfortable hammocks. They meant the pursuit of learning. The love of learning. The pursuit of improvement and excellence. I keep telling students, ‘Find work you love. Don’t concern yourself overly about how much money is involved or whether you’re ever going to be famous.’ …In hard work is happiness.”   David McCullough Read more here .

Belay Enterprises: Incubating Jobs for Individuals Rebuilding Lives from Addiction, Homelessness and Prison

Brad Behan produced an excellent video for Greenwood Community Church that captures the spirit of our various faith venture projects at Belay Enterprises . It's well worth the time to watch and share with others: Belay Enterprises: Incubating Jobs for Individuals Rebuilding Lives from Addiction, Homelessness and Prison from Belay Enterprises on Vimeo .

More Than Meets the Eye

Our partners Dry Bones Denver have produced an excellent video that tells the story of two of the participants in Purple Door Coffee , the project we have started together to employ youth transitioning from homelessness. The video gives excellent insight into the challenges our clients face and the real value organizations like Purple Door, Dry Bones and Belay provide to the Denver community. Check it out: