If You Are a Creative Person You Need to Create.

And if you are an entrepreneur, your creativity is your superpower.

But as your venture grows, your time for creativity declines. The tyranny of the urgent takes away your ability to think up new approaches and work "on" the business instead of "in" the business.

The flip side of this problem is the creative entrepreneur who has a million ideas and is always planning something new but never able to start. Over and over, I’ve seen that the most creative people have the hardest time focusing and deciding which idea to pursue.

So for any entrepreneur running a business, there is a creative sweet spot where one continues to be innovative but not paralyzed by the abundance of possibilities.

There are three things you should do to stay in that zone:
  • Schedule time to be creative every day: You need to fight daily for space where you can explore, dream and think. I like spending an hour in the morning with my coffee and my ideas. And then I try to schedule quiet blocks of time where I can work uninterrupted on new ideas.
  • Stay focused on your mission, your purpose: It is so important to have an understanding of your own personal and organization mission as you play in the arena of your creative ideas. These give the freedom to explore new things without devolving into activity without impact or execution. Ideas are not things to be admired but concepts to guide us to further growth and new opportunities.
  • Finally, every idea finds it's power in concrete action steps: What is the one thing you are going to do today about your idea? Who are you going to call? What are you going to write down? What small step is going to bring about the future today?


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