Belay Enterprises Seeks Christ-Following Mentors and Early-Stage Founders for New Venture Partners Program

When I ask successful entrepreneurs about their own startup experience, many regret not having found a business mentor for advice and support during that season.

Others wish they had been more intentional about their most impactful activities like how important it is to focus on marketing.  Some share they underestimated the significance of hiring the right team members at the right time or didn’t understand how the loneliness of leadership hurt their effectiveness and relationships. What makes this list interesting is all of these items could have found a solution in intentional, high-impact mentoring with experienced business leaders. This becomes even more true for Jesus-following founders who want to live out their faith through their business. It is not common to find startup advice online about how to help one's employees flourish, how to build a business that blesses its customers, or, for some ventures, how to hire individuals who were formerly homeless.  Support from a Christian business entrepreneur will help a new founder build a business that is pleasing to Jesus. 

This fall, Belay Enterprises is introducing its Venture Partners Program that seeks to create businesses that transform lives. This builds on Belay’s own history of incubating 6 ventures over the last 19 years that employ individuals rebuilding lives. In November of 2018, we are matching one passionate early-stage founder who desires to live out the gospel through his or her business with a mentoring group of 5 business leaders. These will meet with the entrepreneur regularly to provide high-impact advice and a forum for working through challenges. The Belay Enterprises’ team will also offer targeted training and support. In addition, the selected founder will receive a start-up financial investment focused for business growth.  All together, this investment of mentoring, technical expertise, and financial resources aims to increase the impact and effectiveness of the new venture. In April of 2019, we will host our first Venture Partners event where we will match an additional 3 more founders with mentor teams.

Are you interested in being a mentor? This will be a unique opportunity for business leaders to use their business gifts and talents to impact the community for the gospel. We are looking for entrepreneurial Christ-following business people with a track record of success and a desire to use their talents to assist kingdom start-up businesses. Business mentors will also be encouraged to make an investment in our revolving donor advised fund that will be used to resource the founder business loans.  Let us know you are interested by visiting here.

Do you know an early-stage founder who might be interested in our program? We are seeking Christian entrepreneurs with new ventures from the idea stage to up to 2 years old, that desire to transform lives. If you are interested in learning more, visit here.

At Belay Enterprises, we are passionate about the life-changing potential of start-up businesses being founded by followers of Christ. Join us as we seek the flourishing of our communities through gospel-centered businesses.


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