Catherine Rohr's Excellent Argument for Hiring Ex-Offenders

I was excited to see Catherine Rohr's essay "Why You Should Hire Ex-Cons" in Inc today. She makes a wonderful case that I hope many employers will read. I've long hoped the case for ex-offender employment would start getting a wider audience.

As I've written before, employers need not fear hiring ex-offenders. They provide a excellent source of dedicated workers desiring to move beyond the mistakes of their past.

And while you are at it, check out the great work Rohr's organization Defy Ventures is  doing in NYC.

Many business owners have overlooked a great source of untapped talent: former inmates. Many former drug dealers and gang leaders have skills and attributes you value most in employees, including charisma, resourcefulness, resilience, a willingness to take calculated risks, and strong management skills.  "Why You Should Hire Ex-Cons," Catherine Rohr in Inc, June 25, 2012
Read rest of the story here.


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