Launch Chattanooga Supports Entrepreneurship in Underserved Communities

In 2011, a group of Chattanooga businessmen started an innovative faith venture, Launch Chattanooga, that provides a 10 week course on entrepreneurship to adults and high schoolers interested in starting a business in their disadvantaged neighborhood.

Participants develop their own business plans and later are partnered with business mentors after graduation.  The whole program is built on the premise that business and job creation provides the best answer to economic development in underserved neighborhoods. Watch this great video to learn more about this business as mission:

Launch from Fancy Rhino on Vimeo.


Rudy Carrasco said…
Jim, glad that you posted it. Partners Worldwide is hosting its Marketplace Revolution 2013 U.S. event in Chattanooga, sponsored by Partners Worldwide and hosted by LAUNCH (which is an affiliate of PW). The dates are June 6-7. Thursday, June 6 starts in the evening with the graduation of the Spring participants in the LAUNCH business training. Then, on Friday, June 7, we will have a most-of-the-day conference that features a walk-thru of LAUNCH (i.e. how they got started, how they strategized, how they planned and recruited, how they've executed, lessons learned, and future vision). I invite you to "Come and See" this model of job creation that impacts a community of high unemployment.

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