We Need Your Help to Keep On Truckin
Over the last 13 years at Belay Enterprises, I have come to expect unanticipated problems whenever we start stretching ourselves to create new ventures to employ people rebuilding lives from addiction, homelessness and prison.
I remember the fire behind our first Baby Bud's location the day after we signed the lease. Nothing evokes a crisis of faith like having to babysit an Aurora Fire Department smoke removal fan late on a Saturday wondering whether we will be able to open on time because of the smoke damage.
Today when we start new Belay ventures without problems, I find myself wondering whether we have made the right decision.
This past year, Belay Enterprises has undertaken several new ventures including New Beginnings Custom Woodworks, Purple Door Coffee, and an innovative mattress recycling program. Over the last few months we've unexpectedly lost both of our donation trucks at Bud's Warehouse. One permanently and the other for lengthy periods of time. We also lost our forklift.
In the meantime we've adopted the "beg, borrow and steal" approach to keep a truck on the road and continue bringing donations into the warehouse. Our truck is our connection to the community for the majority of product that comes into the warehouse. Without it, our business and new start-ups are incredibly challenged.
We're using a web service called Crowdrise to raise money for a new truck and partnering with other organizations to locate the best vehicle for our needs. Our goal is to raise $14,000 dollars and have a new truck by April.
Would you help me spread the word to friends, churches and businesses that might be interested in helping us reach our goal.
To make a donation, just go here and follow the easy steps. Every donation is tax deductible and hugely appreciated.
Let me know if you have any questions. I can't thank you enough for your help!