Denver Post Columnist Explores Ex-Offender Employment Issue

Excited to see the Denver Post focus on the very real problem of finding a job as an ex-offender in Denver. It's a very good article but I wish it had included more detail on how much money taxpayers save when people coming our of prison successfully find employment.

Ronald Sena's troubles started with heroin, which led to thievery and shoplifting and larceny, which led him to prison. He was 19 the first time he went in. For most of the next 20 years, he made regular use of the revolving door, accumulating a lengthy record of nonviolent crime.

That was many years ago, but I'm laying it out first because Sena's past refuses to stay in his past and because his terrible choices will be all that matters to some readers, so I'll save them the trouble of reading further.  
 "Prison record is a ball and chain for jobless ex-felon," Denver Post, Tina Griego, 1-8-2012 
I encourage you to read the whole article here.


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