Advance Memphis Operates Staffing Service and Outsourcing Businesses

In one of Tennessee most disadvantaged communities, Advance Memphis operates two faithventure businesses as part of its goal to develop economic opportunity for the neighborhood surrounding the Cleaborn/Foote public housing developments.

The organization started Advance Memphis Staffing in 2009 to employ program participants while meeting the staffing needs of businesses in the community. Program participants use the skills they developed in Advance's six week Job for Life job training program while working for clients like KTG USA, a local mill that produces paper products for its global parent company, Kruger. For more information on Advance Memphis Staffing, visit here.

The faith based community development agency also runs Advance Memphis Outsourcing which provides assembly and piecework services for area companies like National Guard Products, C&D Plastics, and KAM Cross-Supply Services. For more information on this program, contact them here.


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