The Who is as Important as the What (Joseph Vijayam)
In the business world we can be laser-focused on activity or results. We work as hard as possible to measure every part of our work and increase efficiencies everywhere possible. But with all the focus on output, we sometimes forget that the “who” in our business makes the “what” possible.
This is even more important in a Kingdom Business or Faith Venture as this blog refers to them. In fact, I would say it is imperative to understand the “who” when you are involved in a business as mission effort. Why is that?
Well, simply put, a Faith Venture is all about motives. You could have two businesses side by side in one city block doing the same type of activity but one is a Faith Venture and the other is a normal business. The activities might look somewhat similar but the reason for doing them and the Kingdom results will be very different.
Because of this, it is critical that the people, partners and vendors you involve in your venture understand your motivations and are committed to seeing the larger picture come together. As this blog pointed out in its post called “Business and Ministry: Not Business or Ministry”, you can’t separate the business and ministry aspects. They are all part of one big picture. But if those involved in your effort don’t see it that way and integrate ministry and business in all they do, you will find that the “who” makes the “what” an impossible task.
Are you bringing the right people around you to accomplish your Faith Venture?
Joseph Vijayam is the Managing Director and Founder of Olive Technology ( Prior to founding Olive, he served as the Chief Executive of Matrix Computer Consultancy, India. He earned a B.S. with highest honors in Computer Science from Biola University, CA, USA, and an MBA in Information Systems from Georgia State University, GA, USA. Joseph is an advocate for Business as Mission and communicates regularly about the subject on his blog ( and twitter (