Purple Door Coffee: A New Belay Enterprises Faith Venture to Employ Homeless Youth
I am excited to announce that the Belay Enterprises Board of Directors approved the addition of Purple Door Coffee to our portfolio of incubating faith venture businesses. Spearheaded by Madison Chandler in partnership with local homeless ministry Dry Bones, this new venture will raise start-up funding to create a local coffee shop to employ homeless young adults leaving the street life.
I've written before about Seattle's Street Beans Espresso. It's our hope that Purple Door will mirror that organization's successful approach working with homeless youth in the Northwest.
And continuing the coffee theme, the Belay Board also approved continuing exploring a partnership with Chicago areas faith venture I Have A Bean Coffee to open a Denver area micro-roastery to employ ex-offenders.
If you're interested in helping us develop these two entities or just want to learn more, please feel free to contact us at 303-296-3990.
I've written before about Seattle's Street Beans Espresso. It's our hope that Purple Door will mirror that organization's successful approach working with homeless youth in the Northwest.
And continuing the coffee theme, the Belay Board also approved continuing exploring a partnership with Chicago areas faith venture I Have A Bean Coffee to open a Denver area micro-roastery to employ ex-offenders.
If you're interested in helping us develop these two entities or just want to learn more, please feel free to contact us at 303-296-3990.