Goal Shifting Encourages Creativity

One way to inspire creativity in an organization is to declare a new goal.

Late last year, we decided to move Belay’s aim from incubating a specific number of businesses in 5 years to creating 750 jobs for individuals rebuilding lives in 5 years. We wanted to drill down to the fundamental value our organization provides the Denver community.

On the face of it, the old goal and the new goal accomplish the same ends. But the new focus has resulted in an interesting new idea as it has captured the imagination of key stakeholders.

Over the last two weeks, I have had a former board member, Scott Pope, and two individuals from Partners Worldwide independently suggest the same idea. They urged us to encourage Christian business owners to create two or more positions in their existing businesses for ex-offenders. Scott Pope is so excited about the idea that he has volunteered to develop the strategic plan for such an effort.

I’m enthusiastic about this approach. It is a way to push the expertise we have developed in employing ex-offenders out into the business community at large where there is a better ability to create actual jobs. And it also shifts paradigms by encouraging Christ-following business owners to better integrate their faith with their day to day work.

If you’re interested in learning more or adding your thoughts, please contact me or add your comments below.


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