Detroit Area Peaches and Greens Offers Fresh Produce to Disadvantaged Neighborhood
Urban neighborhoods in major U.S. cities are often difficult places to find fresh vegetables and fruit. Central Detroit CDC provides an innovative answer to this problem with its Peaches and Greens faithventure business as mission. As detailed on their web site:
Peaches and Greens is located at 8838 Third Avenue (at Hazelwood) in Detroit. They are open 10am to 6pm Tuesday through Friday and 10am to 5pm on Saturday. Call 313-870-9210 for more information.If you live in Detroit, you know that we are some of the most under-served produce consumers in the nation. Large chain grocers do not have store locations within the city boundaries, which is tragic for a city with a population of over 830,000 residents. Because of the intentional or unintentional food desert, Detroiters have to travel outside the city to get fresh produce and meats. The low-income central Detroit residents the produce market will serve have limited resources to travel to the surrounding suburban areas to shop. As a result, their options are limited to shopping at neighborhood markets that sell outdated foods and very limited fresh fruits and vegetables.
The produce market, Peaches and Greens, which opened in the fall of 2008, provides community residents the opportunity to have a safe, culturally acceptable, nutritionally adequate diet through a sustainable food system that maximizes community self-reliance.