Check Your Motives

Why do you do what you do?

I think it's a good practice to ask that question. Frequently.

We all have reasons...maybe it's money, significance, success, or service. Everyone has motivations and some are better than others.

In a faith venture, where a business does ministry, one must be very careful with motivations. Business speaks the language of profits and efficiency while ministry seeks service and transformation. They are not mutually exclusive. Business is a great arena for ministry and ministry needs money to survive, but ministry sometimes can be harmed by decisions in the interest of efficiency. Check your motives. I've seen faith ventures lose their way because they were serving money and I've seen ministries close because they forgot about raising money. I've had ministry leaders tell me that they need a certain scale of success in order to effectively impact society.

Please be careful and check your motives.

If God took away success or significance but asked you to serve him in the same role, would you stay the course? If God wanted you to sell your possessions and serve the poor would you follow?

In a faith venture, you are using business to serve God. Profits are bigger than just money. Profits are the kind found in the kingdom.


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