Belay's Top Seven Future Bible Study Questions

It’s a maxim to live by. If you want to know…ask. Like your fifth grade teacher said, there are no stupid questions.

Last week, our program director at Bud’s Warehouse decided to take the “radical” step and ask the staff in a survey what they wanted to learn in upcoming Bible studies. I thought the topics that arose are a fascinating view of what is on the mind of individuals rebuilding lives. And it’s a good reminder to those of us charged with developing programs for faith ventures. For maximum effectiveness, it’s important to listen to participants.

In no particular order, here are the seven topics for future discussions:

1. How to deal with personal lives
2. How to develop patience and perseverance…God’s timing
3. How God sees premarital sex
4. How God views sin
5. How God view integrity
6. How & why God exposes things
7. Prayer

These are great topics. I’m looking forward to our meetings.


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