Sometimes Grace Smells Like Chicken

I was hiding in my office because I had a project deadline that was rapidly approaching. I ventured out to get some pages off the printer to be greeted by the pleasing aroma of hot buckets of fried chicken. I heard laughter and several loud conversations.

I went to the conference room to see what was happening. There was a party going on with all of the participants in our job training program. I was quickly invited to grab some chicken.

I noticed that the party was being hosted by an individual who was no longer a part of our program. The three strike rule had resulted in him having to leave. I understood the party as an attempt to start making amends and begin the process of reentering our program.

I was wrong. The next day a pastor in the community stopped by and asked our warehouse director if our former employee had stopped by.

“Did he bring chicken?” the pastor inquired.

“Yes, it was quite the feast,” Bob answered.

“Did he tell you that he trusted Jesus with his life and wanted to celebrate?”

Frequently, at Bud’s Warehouse, grace happens in unexpected places. A situation that seemed to have disappointment written all over it was transformed by the opportune encounter of our just dismissed employee and this pastor. A shared love of boxing turned into the opportunity to hear the gospel in a very timely place.

Sometimes grace smells like fried chicken. And after developing a proactive plan to avoid past problems, Don is back on the job at Bud's Warehouse.


Chris Horst said…
Love this story. I posted it a few places...hope that drives up some traffic to your blog!

Talk to you soon.


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