The Best Laid Plans

I love it when a plan comes together. Because often, it looks like there is no plan at all.

About two months ago, I started doodling with the idea of building cabinets at Bud's Warehouse. Our supply of donated cabinets has not kept up with recent customer demand. But meanwhile, we have lots of donated cabinet doors left over from a large 10 semi-truck load we received four years ago. I dreamt of creating some new jobs and meeting the needs of our customers by building cabinets. I ran some basic cost numbers. I explored how much wood would cost for the boxes.

That was about as far as I got. But I kept writing notes reminding myself to explore building cabinets.

Then, unexpectedly, the same cabinet door supplier from 4 years ago called us. They have 15 semi-loads of cabinet doors and box-making wood that they wanted to donate. It is over 10,000 square feet of material. But we had to get it in the next month. Panic. We have nowhere to put the material.

A couple of phone calls later we found some donated temporary warehouse space. At the same time, we discovered a program that wants to pay individuals to train in our cabinet-making operation. We also identified a potential manager. And someone referred us to a manager in the State of Colorado's inmate cabinet making program.

I like it when a plan comes together. It can't fail when it's from God.


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