Faith Venture Focus Event Agenda

I’m looking forward to the first Faith Venture Focus Group at Bud's Warehouse this Thursday, October 16, 2008. I'm excited that the event is “sold out” with ten individuals! Our next event on Nov. 6th is also nearly full. We will plan on holding additional meetings early next year. I expect tomorrow’s discussion on business entrepreneurship for disadvantaged communities to be very interesting. Here’s our agenda for the meeting:

1. Introductions/ Lunch (11:30am to 12:00pm)
2. Brief Introduction to Belay Enterprises (12:00pm- 12:15pm)
3. Entrepreneurial Focus Group Questions (12:15- 1:15pm):

  • What ignited your desire to start a new business venture or to make major changes to an existing business?
  • What motivates you?
  • What is your own biggest strength as an entrepreneur?
  • What do you think are the top three skills required for a business entrepreneur?
  • What skill of your own would you like to improve the most?
  • What’s your favorite part of a normal day in your business?
  • What daily task would you like to give up?
  • What have been some of your biggest mistakes that you wish you could change?
  • How did you fund or find investors for your start-up?
  • Do you believe there is a formula for entrepreneurial success?
  • What defines a good salesperson for your business?
  • What keeps you up at night?
  • How does faith influence your business?
  • What company do you admire the most besides your own?
  • Have you ever worked with individuals rebuilding lives from addiction or felony conviction in your business? What do you see as the biggest challenges for working with such individuals?

4. Belay’s Vision for the Future and Prayer (1:15-1:30pm)


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